Message from the president


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Message from the president - Marie-Hélène Hotte

Marie-Hélène Hotte, PDG de Cartons Corruguard - Marie-Hélène Hotte, CEO of Cartons Corruguard

"If someone offers you an incredible opportunity but you're not sure you can do it, accept ... then learn how to do it later

Richard Brandon- Developer

In 2013, Cartons Corruguard, founded by my mother, Diane Latendresse, is developing at a good pace and gaining notoriety in the markets. Convinced of my potential, she offered me to join the team and take my classes as an Administrative Assistant. After consideration, I saw an incredible opportunity to discover myself and to choose what I wanted to do with my life … So many important questions and with only 25 years old! When I started out, I touched everything and listened to everything. Quickly becoming Executive Assistant, I am inspired by all the work that can be accomplished here and by my contact with the business world. It is with great respect for the entire organization in place, the partnerships and the customers already established that I follow suit to a business transfer under the title of General Manager in 2016 and to the Presidency in 2020.

Inhabited by a vision of sustainability and notoriety for this company that has become mine, I also see the need to contribute to a greener world, to a more united community and the duty to offer the families who live this dream with us a standard of living commensurate with their human quality.

Today, mother of a potential 3rd generation, I have fun in this life full of opportunities, where passion and challenge intersect. Let me conclude by expressing my gratitude to this pioneer who skillfully paved the way for this dream, my mother and founder of the company, Diane Latendressse.